Tuesday, September 13

Life and Death

“They say it’s easy to die, but it’s harder to live.”

               Living is all about having a reason. You want to live because of your family, friends, ambitions, and love ones or simply you just want to. But if these reasons will be gone then living is for what?

            It’s hard to live, yes, because as you live you will face different circumstances that you have to overcome. But these circumstances would make you a strong and a better person; it will make you realize how important life is; and it would give you a million reasons to live or the opposite, a million reasons why you don’t want to.
            Death is a scary reality of life, because you don’t know when it will come to you. Maybe today you’re laughing and kicking, but you will never know what tomorrow would bring. But, if you’ve done all the things that you need to do and you know that you’re ready to face death, then so be it. Maybe, it’s God’s plan.

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