Tuesday, September 13

Well, thank you!

It is so frustrating that there are people who do not know how to appreciate all the things that you have done or doing for them. They even don’t know that you’re giving all you’re best just to please them, but still they do not see it. Sometimes, I feel like worthless and useless, every time that I do something for someone but not appreciated. And worst of all, is that, if you do something and they are not satisfied they will get angry to you not knowing or seeing all the effort that you exerted. I’m not after ring for a things-in-return, just a simple thank you will do.
Thank you is the most important words to say to someone who did something good for you or just simply doing nothing but his always by you’re side; in you’re ups and down. So, please learn to say thank you because it’s the only thing that someone would want to hear from you.


  1. Good night, ok? unfortunately some people do not value the things we do with love. Thank you, or even a sincere smile is all we need.
    well your text!
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    Thank you!

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  3. @osmar: I already joined in you're blog site...
