Friday, December 16

...........My friends you can lean on me........


......"Who said it's easy to forget??? Especially if you were hurt so badly.. As they say it's easy to forgive but it's hard to forget..."

......So true, MATES we may far away from each other I know that our love will stay forever.. Our friendship will last for eternity...

Tuesday, December 6

I miss this!

Woahh... It's been a long time since I last posted here in my blog.. Well, I got busy reviewing and now finishing my thesis.. I wish that all will end well...

Tuesday, October 11


..... One time, I heard someone says that, "a beautiful shoes can lead you to a beautiful place.." Hope it's true... But, what about those children who don't have enough money to buy one??? Can someone lend them????

Girls! Girls! Girls!


1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk... to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
...4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.

Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.

11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.

Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.

One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.

24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!

26. Don’t lie to her.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.

31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.

35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.

36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.

41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.

You’ll never know when she needs just a little more love .. ♥!

Sunday, October 9


The color of love

Black is the color of depression boiling deep into the night,
Red is the color of anger a blinding, flashing light,
Green is the color of jealousy of menace in the eyes,
Blue is the color of tears falling like rain from the sky,
Brown is the color of your hair, soft and warm to touch,
Blonde is the color of his hair,
the boy who hurt me so much,
Yellow is the color of the sun-shine
which I can no longer see
And all the color of the rain-bow
won't bring him back to me.

(by: Carol Chambers)

                         Love is colorful, it's like a rainbow. Different colors represents different emotions, situations. It's wonderful to be in love even thought sometimes it's bring pain in our heart and mind.

ref. of the poem:

Thinking of you...

Thinking of you

I lie in bed at night thinking of what I’ve done,
I let you go without even knowing you were the one for me, 
my mom tells me: we were meant for each other, 
but I realized too late,
you turned on me you went…
it’s like I don’t know you anymore,
but what can I do .......nothing

(by: samantha)

                          I know that it's too late, and I can't do anything to change what is done. I just wish that you'll be happy. Regrets do come in the end when you can’t handle everything. You just have to face all the consequences of the things that you’ve done. After all it’s you, the one who choose. Too bad it’s you’re lost.

Thursday, October 6

Define "falling in love"

            You're in love when you can't stop thinking about her. You always want to see her you always want to talk to her. You don't get bored even thought you're talking none sense.It feels like you're life had no meaning without her.
           And it's easy for you to see yourself spending the rest of you're life with her. You want to start you're own family with her. You want to give her everything she wants. You want to support her in every struggle. You want to be always there for her. You want to be the best man she deserves.

--- from: (Henrick's Love by: Belle Feliz) great!!!!

Tuesday, October 4

Keep out!

"By playing with fire, you are liable to get burned..."

Don’t play with others feeling’s. Don’t play about love.. Because want you’ve plan and done, may, in the end you’ll be the one to suffer.

Monday, October 3

A room for love...

"In a full heart, there is room for everything. And in empty heart, there is room for nothing."
-antonio porchia

It only mean that, a heart who know how to love, is always willing to share what it feels and who always have a space to be occupied by someone. But a heart that is empty only means that, it is full of anger, hate that’s why it doesn’t know how to love.

Thursday, September 29

Love Hurts

....that's love..very unpredictable...(blah! blah! blah!)
...i want to share this song that is quite related to it entitled BREAKEVEN by SCript...

What am I gonna do
When the best part of me was always you
And what am I suppose to say
When I'm all choked up and you're okay

I'm falling to pieces, yeah
I'm falling to pieces, yeah
[ From:]
I'm falling to pieces
(One's still in love while the other one's leaving)
I'm falling to pieces
('Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't breakeven)

Wednesday, September 28


Don’t be misled with what you’re seeing… ‘Cause looks can be deceiving… Not all the things that you see is true..There are things that are hidden…So it’s up to you on how you will see it…As they say, “don’t judge the book by it’s cover”, better look inside.. But we can’t blame others if they judge someone by each appearance especially if it’s their first time to see each other. But as we all know, we don’t have the right to judge someone if we don’t know them so well.. So, better know them first and see where it goes. 

Thursday, September 22


Think before you speak;
 Think before you act;
 'Cause it may harm other.
You're spoken words will never be erased. 
You're action will never be recovered...
What you will say, 
What you will do,
It will reflect the real you...
So bear in mind that all the decisions that you will do,
will lead you in the path that you've chosen... 


Wednesday, September 21


                                        No boyfriend since birth??? Well you're not alone, I, too is an NBSB, but I'm proud  of it, it's not that I'm ugly (but I'm not saying I'm beautiful, I'm just gorgeous. hehe. Kidding! Please, no violent reaction. hehe.), that's why, it's just that I have my priorities and that is not yet included. But I'm open to have one when the right one comes, in the right place and time, (so  where are you??? I think I'm ready..hehe)

Tuesday, September 20

Life is like a Game..

"That's life, you gamble and you take chances."

             Life is like a game. It's up to you on how will you play it, you only have two chances, either you will fight and win or you will surrender and loss. But isn't it great if you will loss by giving a fight? Of course we all want the sweetest victory of all, winning! Let's fight! Never give up! We may never always win, but at least we always try.

Poverty makes me sick!

                        A poison that kills a lot of people, considered as a cancer that ruins’ a future that’s what I call, POVERTY. Having a thought about it, experiencing it, it really makes me feel sick.
                I feel bad every time I see kids who work at their young age. Why? It’s because instead of going to school they are forced to work just to earn money to help their family or to feed their selves. Seeing them working brings so much pain in my heart. And it hit me to realization that I’am blessed in any ways. It enlightened me that I don’t have the right to complain if I cannot have all the things that I want. I must admit that there were times that I complain. You cannot avoid it, especially when you’re feeling sown, helpless and hopeless. I’m just a human and it’s normal to feel it anyway. It helps me to realized that vi have to be thankful and contented in everything that I have; for having my parents who always support me in everything that I do; who provide me, not all but at least the things that I needed most and who sends me to school to have an education that will prepare me to have a better future.
                I know that I can make change. Poverty will never be our problem soon. It will never be a hindrance as long as we will pursue and fight for our dreams. There will be no forced kids to work. Let start “change”. If we will start today, we will save a lot of kid’s tomorrows.

Thursday, September 15

Right or Wrong?

"No one is right or wrong in any situation. We simply choose sides."

Distinguishing what is right or wrong is a difficult one. Why? It’s because no one can say that you’re right or wrong with a concert reason. If you do something good to someone it is considered a right one. If you’re honest person, it is considered right again. But if you lied then it is automatically considered wrong. But come to think of it, we done wrong things because we have a reason, or it is base on the situation that were into. Sometimes, we commit mistake because of someone. We lied because we don’t want to hurt or we have to protect the person we love. It is always base on the situation or to the person concern. And sometimes the things that we’re doing are judge by the people who surround us. Either it is right or wrong, it depends on the benefit that they will get.

Tuesday, September 13

Life and Death

“They say it’s easy to die, but it’s harder to live.”

               Living is all about having a reason. You want to live because of your family, friends, ambitions, and love ones or simply you just want to. But if these reasons will be gone then living is for what?

            It’s hard to live, yes, because as you live you will face different circumstances that you have to overcome. But these circumstances would make you a strong and a better person; it will make you realize how important life is; and it would give you a million reasons to live or the opposite, a million reasons why you don’t want to.
            Death is a scary reality of life, because you don’t know when it will come to you. Maybe today you’re laughing and kicking, but you will never know what tomorrow would bring. But, if you’ve done all the things that you need to do and you know that you’re ready to face death, then so be it. Maybe, it’s God’s plan.

Well, thank you!

It is so frustrating that there are people who do not know how to appreciate all the things that you have done or doing for them. They even don’t know that you’re giving all you’re best just to please them, but still they do not see it. Sometimes, I feel like worthless and useless, every time that I do something for someone but not appreciated. And worst of all, is that, if you do something and they are not satisfied they will get angry to you not knowing or seeing all the effort that you exerted. I’m not after ring for a things-in-return, just a simple thank you will do.
Thank you is the most important words to say to someone who did something good for you or just simply doing nothing but his always by you’re side; in you’re ups and down. So, please learn to say thank you because it’s the only thing that someone would want to hear from you.

Monday, September 12

Change of Heart

"Ang puso ng tao nagbabago ng madalas, walang permanente."
(A man's heart always change, there is no permanent.)

                           I never thought that a man's heart has its capability to change what it feels, "always"; I thought only our mind has it.
                          Our heart change what it feels base on the situation that we're into, and it change with a reason. Think about this, isn't it scary if what our heart feel change rather than what our mind think? As they say, our mind is powerful than our heart. But, if we will talk about love, "a person that is in love has a closed mind and he/she only trust, obey and mind his/her heart." That's why when our heart says, "enough! I don't want it anymore.” isn't our heart obey?
                          That's why; we have to be always ready. If we allowed our heart to love, we have to be ready that there will be a time that we will get hurt. Because change, doesn’t only happen in our world it also happen in our heart.
                          There is no constant except change.
If this phrases are famous;
"I’m falling in love";
Then you should be ready and be familiar to these phrases, because it also exists;
"I'm falling out of love..."

Thursday, September 8


"Kapag nagsagwan tayo sa magkabilang direksyon wala tayong mapupuntahan."

                  In any relationship it is really important to cooperate with one another, you should have a mutual understanding, same decision and you're both willing to do anything to make things happen. And of course there should be trust to each other in order for you to become successful. A better and successful relationship relies on how the involved people trust and love each other.
                 Just like in a group, the team leader and the members should be united and do their own task so that they can reach their goal. As a team leader you should trust you're members, same with the members to their leaders.
               "If all of us have a one direction, there is cooperation and trust then we can reach the finish line and claim for our success."

Wednesday, September 7

...Music of life...

Musics tells it all...What you can't say, what you can't show, you can express it through music...It makes you feel better. It makes you realize that in every problem there is a solution.
Isn't it amazing how musicians/composers express what they thought? What they feel? It's through music, and by this they can inspire other.

...Love your life...

"Ang lahat ng tao ay may kanya kanyang oras, lahat tayo ay mamamatay. Pero hangga't nasa puso natin sila habang buhay silang mananatili sa'ting isipan." (100 days to heaven)

... That life every thing ends, but the memories and love that shared will be treasured forever. Always face life positively, smile, rejoice, and make more memories together with you're love ones. As much as possible say to them that you love them.

          "Life is too short for hate and not too long for love."
So love, love, love like what Kris Aquino always say. Stay positive!

Monday, September 5

..Time's Up!...


I hear the clock "tick tock"
And it makes me feel at rock
I have to wake up
I have to get up
And do the things at rush
"Time is the most tricky element of life"
When you feel bored it runs so slow
But when you're having fun it runs so fast.
Treasure every second. minute, hours that pass.
Because you will never know when you're time is up!

New Beginning

                 "I'm looking for a reason in beginnings. Para kasing may hatid ng pag-asa kapag nasaksihan mo ang pagsikat ng araw. Na para bang sumisikat ang bagong umaga para bigyan ka ng pagkakataong ituwid ang buhay mo." (fr: Once upon a time in El Nido, princess faye)

...Sunrise represents a new day, a new beginning to face life with full of encouragement that it would;d be different from yesterday. As they say, there's no such thing that will happen for the second time around, if so, there's always a difference even in a small thing. Seeing the sun rise, it feels like holding your whole day... It feels like being thankful for another life of existing.

Sunday, September 4

For YOU...


Is there's a possibility,
that someone will love me?
Without doubt in his mind;
Without fear in his heart;
Someone who is willing to do anything;
..who don't know what is the meaning of the phrase
"to give up";
..who can assure me, that
"I'm the only one for him.";
..who is contented,
"with just me";
..who love me for
"who I'am and what I have";
..who is intelligent enough that we can share our thoughts,
talk about life and experiences;
Someone who is not perfect like me,
but can proudly say that,
"I'm perfect because you fulfill my imperfection."
Someone who is willing to wait just to hear my sweetest
I'm not afterring for flower's, chocolates or any thing in material;
I just want a true and everlasting love;
I may read romance novels and fairytales
But is there a possibility that,
someone is waiting for me,

....hmm...let see, I may not happy romantically today but I'm not alone, someone there is not yet happy too because he still not have me.. Smile! ^_^

...For my friends...


You are my brothers;
You are my sisters;
But we are not in blood-related.
We have different personalities;
We are unique in own ways;
But we have mutual understanding.
I love you;
You love me;
But we don't have romantic relationship.
Your always there for me;
I'm always here for you;
Even though sometimes not personally.
Your part of my heart;
my whole being;
and of my life.
We may not lovers;
not siblings;
but we're in an endless relationship.
"We are united, we are completed
we are circle of friends....."

Thursday, September 1

...True happiness...

                     Where can I find my true happiness?

      Is it to my fellowmen? Classmates? Friends? Family? No, it's to GOD. For my fellowmen who do not know me so well; for my classmates where not all are my close; for my friends that maybe someday will gonna leave me; for my family who cannot always stay by my side.
     It is God, who will never leave me; it is God, who will never betray me; it is God, who know me so well; it is God who love unconditionally; it is God who give me a borrowed life.
     Without Him, I don't have my fellowmen, classmates, friends, and even my family; without Him I'm NOTHING; without Him, I don;t know what "TRUE HAPPINESS" MEANS....

Wednesday, August 31


My mind is aching;
My heart is breaking;
My world is crashing;
I don't know what I'm looking;
I don't know what I'm aiming;
I don't know what I'm thinking;
I feel like dying;
I'm always searching;
I'm always hoping;
I'm always hoping;
I'm always loving;
But I'm ended crying.

"Ang gulo can you fix my thoughts??? Somebody save me! (Superman are you there?)"
(Trip lang =)..)


Someday all my worries
will be sweep away;
Someday all my dreams
will come true;
Someday all my problems
will be solve;

Today, I'll just do my best to make all my

Tuesday, August 23


Rainbow.... Everyone loves to see it after the rain...
Funny as it is but I feel glad when I saw a rainbow last night, it's like, it's been a long time since I last saw one and it feel so great! I feel like a little girl who's given a candy.. Oh! how I love to see rainbow, it's making me feel alive....

Every time you cry, there's always a way you will end up smiling.. ^_^

Sunday, August 21

Saturday, August 20


Did you hurt someone's feelings?

Will let me share you this poem I've made...

I didn't intended to hurt Him but I did;
I didn't expect that He would fall for me but he did;
I didn't want to end it but I did;
I didn't want him to forget me but he did;
I didn't want to regret it but I did..

...Different faces of Life...

It doesn't mean that your happy when your laughing;
It doesn't mean that your sad when your crying;
It doesn't mean that your okay when your smiling;
It doesn't mean that you want something when you face is frowning;
Life is full of secrets.
People lives with their mask.
They say..
"What you see is what you get",
But may I tell you this,
"Not all the things you see is true";
Looks can be deceiving,
that even yourself can't figure out what is true...

Thursday, August 18


For once…..
I fell in loved but I’ve hurt;
I fight for love but I’ve lost;
I rejoice for love but I’ve cried;
I feel alive but I’ve died.
Love, makes me feel bright,
But in the end it made me feel

...A friend....

....Friends Forever....

A promise that I hope will last forever...

Tuesday, August 16

...Just Smile...

...."Today is another day", it is different from yesterday and tomorrow.... So leave you worries behind and face your life today with a smile... =)


.....Live your life to the fullest, you will never know what will happen next.....

Monday, August 15

....Life is full of surprises.... It is compose of different colors that reflects different emotions, circumstances..... Every color represents different cycle of life... Every color represents different kind of people.... I wonder how those colors can stay wit each other....

Thursday, August 11


"Alam mo ba na sa Romeo and Juliet, kapag hinawakan mo ang kamay ng isang tao, ang ibig sabihin nun ay ibinibigay mo ng buong-buo ang sarili mo sa taong yun? When you hold another person's hand, that means that you are also surrendering your heart to the other person. I'm telling you now, I want to hold your hand for the rest of my life."
(by: Princess Faye - Our Little Secret)

...What a sweet phrase. It would be nice if the person you like most would say that to you. I never thought that holding another hand means a lot, esp. if that person is someone you love. Love, love, love, one word, four letters, but it means a lot to the 2 people whoa re involved, and it makes the world go crazy...

Tuesday, August 9


“I take rejection as someone blowing a bugle in my ear to wake me up and get going, rather than retreat.”

..I love this saying stated by Slyvester Stallone... "Rejection is not a word that makes you down, but rather it will wake you up, and make you realize that you have to give your best in everything that you do... When someone rejected you, don't be sad, don't lose hope, instead, stand up, chin up, and say "You'll regret rejecting me, and thank you for waking me up!"

God Bless..


....I have a quiz tomorrow... And midterm next week, I'm not yet ready, but I have to be prepared, tonight is a long night... I have to review... "Agah! Kaya ko to!!! Good luck to me and to my classmates..."

Saturday, August 6


.....It's really hard to be hurt by someone you love...But it's much harder to regret what you have done to the person who loved you so dearly...
...The word “regret” is the more painful word and feeling that a person can encounter, because: you cannot return back the time, you cannot erase what have you done and you cannot turn back that person, you let to walk away from you.

Tuesday, August 2


....Our friends are those who guides and support you no matter what... They're the one who make your life more exciting and colorful...Like a ball, our friendship will never end, no matter what circumstances will come in our way.. We will face it together. We will stay in each others side; in fun, in trials, in tears, in happiness etc...

.. I miss my MATES...I miss those times that we were together...Hope to see them soon....

"YOU, what do you miss with your friends?"


..i miss my friends....