Tuesday, September 20

Poverty makes me sick!

                        A poison that kills a lot of people, considered as a cancer that ruins’ a future that’s what I call, POVERTY. Having a thought about it, experiencing it, it really makes me feel sick.
                I feel bad every time I see kids who work at their young age. Why? It’s because instead of going to school they are forced to work just to earn money to help their family or to feed their selves. Seeing them working brings so much pain in my heart. And it hit me to realization that I’am blessed in any ways. It enlightened me that I don’t have the right to complain if I cannot have all the things that I want. I must admit that there were times that I complain. You cannot avoid it, especially when you’re feeling sown, helpless and hopeless. I’m just a human and it’s normal to feel it anyway. It helps me to realized that vi have to be thankful and contented in everything that I have; for having my parents who always support me in everything that I do; who provide me, not all but at least the things that I needed most and who sends me to school to have an education that will prepare me to have a better future.
                I know that I can make change. Poverty will never be our problem soon. It will never be a hindrance as long as we will pursue and fight for our dreams. There will be no forced kids to work. Let start “change”. If we will start today, we will save a lot of kid’s tomorrows.


  1. Truth, Claire! here in my country there is still much work children, many poor people to live without dignity!
    We can not just wait by governments and do our part too!
    Great text! Congratulations

  2. thanks for comment my bolg!
    visit ever!

  3. @osmar: yeah.. I hope I can make chnage in the near future....
