Thursday, September 8


"Kapag nagsagwan tayo sa magkabilang direksyon wala tayong mapupuntahan."

                  In any relationship it is really important to cooperate with one another, you should have a mutual understanding, same decision and you're both willing to do anything to make things happen. And of course there should be trust to each other in order for you to become successful. A better and successful relationship relies on how the involved people trust and love each other.
                 Just like in a group, the team leader and the members should be united and do their own task so that they can reach their goal. As a team leader you should trust you're members, same with the members to their leaders.
               "If all of us have a one direction, there is cooperation and trust then we can reach the finish line and claim for our success."


  1. Good night! Unica is your name?
    relationships here in Brazil is not long average:
    5 years marriage
    dating 3 months, no matter the time but have to live very well right?
    you're a smart girl!
    visit my blog and register as MEMBERS
    Thank you very much

  2. @osmar: thank you for the compliment... =)
    unica is just my screen/username...
    I'm from the Philippines...
    What's your blogsite?

  3. Good night! My website:
    I know several fishermen in the Philippines is a working people, you and I'll be good friends.
